By invitation or trial only

Elite Squad is coached by Head Coach Frances a Level 4 Women's Artistic coach. This squad trains 10 hours a week training hard for competitions with IGA. It involves determination, conditioning, routines, strength and skills.

Advanced Squad is coached by Anna-Belle a Level 3 woman's artistic coach and Georgia a Level 2 artistic coach. The gymnasts training 6 hours a week, the gymnasts will be working hard with conditioning, routine, strength and skills.

Development Squad are coached by Frances L4 WAG, Anna L3 WAG, Kate L2 and Claire L2. These Gymnasts train 4 hours a week. 

Mini squad is coached by Kate Level 2 General  and Sophie Level 2 General. The gymnasts train 2 hours a week. 

Floor and Vault squad  train 6 hours a week preparing routines for IGA levels on just the 2 pieces. This is coached by Anna.-Belle a level 3 woman's artistic coach.

Boys squad train 6 hours a week preparing to compete at IGA levels on floor, high bar, vault and p bars. Coached by Mark level 2 and Frances level 4.

For information about the squads please speak to Claire or Frances. 


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Most of our competitive Squads will be doing the new IGA GEMS competitions starting from January 2024! We are super excited as a club to be doing these competitions!!! This gives the gymnasts a chance to qualify to a National Final!!! 

The GEMS are coached By Frances WAG 4, Kate L2 and Claire L2! 


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Go follow our Instagram Page @harbourside.squad20 for all the up-to-date news of competitions and new skill progressions! All our squads work so hard to achieve their dreams so why not go give them a follow and love their videos!!!

Also our TikTok page which has over 23K followers!!! Go check us out @harbourside_gymnastics1

A YouTube channel will soon be on the go so watch this space!!


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